I love the new series on HBO. I've been into vampires ever since I can remember so it's totally cool. "Bill" of course is so sexy, but has old-fashioned manners in a way. Like when he asks Sookie if he could "call on her". I also love the fact that this representation of vamps and humans living together, civil rights, etc. , I find it all very interesting. Plus this a new idea, so fresh, not like I've seen before. My husband on this subject is a total opposite, doesn't like scary stuff, hates vampire anything, fainted when he saw his own bloodied cut finger. I grew up on a farm, worked in nursing, also being a lumberjack, or lumberjill if you will, have seen blood, and lots of messes. Scary movies relieve stress for me. Plus when you have kids blood is abundunt, or grossness. Anybody who really knows mw will not be suprised I like this show.